
Muslims baby Boy names starting with H

Islamic babies names - Cool and attractive Islamic born baby names of child's. Top Muslims name list and its meanings with lucky number and origin. Correct spelling of Islamic baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in Urdu, Hindi and English.

1. 👦🏻Hubab Beloved
2. 👦🏻Hibah Gift; Present
3. 👦🏻Hassan Askari Early Imam (Leader) Of Islam; Grandson Of Prophet Muhammad
4. 👦🏻Hamshad Always Victorious
5. 👦🏻Hirad Appearing Fresh And Healthy
6. 👦🏻Humur Red
7. 👦🏻Hermes Heap Of Stones
8. 👦🏻Halil Pouring Rain; A Rain That Falls Heavily And Continuously
9. 👦🏻Hunbal To Recognize
10. 👦🏻Hadaya Gift; Present
11. 👦🏻Hurairah Narrator Of Hadith; A Close Companion To Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
12. 👦🏻Hallaj Cotton Ginner
13. 👦🏻Haji Pilgrim
14. 👦🏻Hermon Anathema; Devoted To Destruction
15. 👦🏻Hashaam Brave Destroyer Of Evil
16. 👦🏻Harman A Famous Man In The Army
17. 👦🏻Hasan Beautiful; Handsome; Goodly; Gentle; Good-mannered; Virtuous
18. 👦🏻Hayat Life
19. 👦🏻Hassan Raza Handsome
20. 👦🏻Hassin Strong
21. 👦🏻Hadar Power; Greatness
22. 👦🏻Hathim Good Name
23. 👦🏻Hilel Crescent; The New Moon
24. 👦🏻Hanfi School Follower
25. 👦🏻Hooshmand Wise
26. 👦🏻Hud A Prophet Title Of The 11th Sura Of The Quran
27. 👦🏻Hakeem Wise; Insightful; And Decisive
28. 👦🏻Hajat Need, Desire
29. 👦🏻Huzaifah Sheep
30. 👦🏻Hilmi FOrebearing; Someone Who Is Kind And Doesn’t Get Angry
31. 👦🏻Hashid One Who Rallies People; Crowded; Gathered
32. 👦🏻Haris Cultivator; Farmer (literally One Who Plows ); It Also Means Lion
33. 👦🏻Hannad Old Arabic Name
34. 👦🏻Hamza Lion; Name Of The Uncle Of Prophet (SAW); Hazrat Hamza (RA)
35. 👦🏻Hakem Ruler; Governor
36. 👦🏻Haider Lion; Appellation Title Of The 4 Caliph Hazrat Ali(RZ);
37. 👦🏻Halah Nimble
38. 👦🏻Hashmath Decency, Modesty
39. 👦🏻Hassan Ali Handsome
40. 👦🏻Hadyan An Offering
41. 👦🏻Houshang Intelligence; Awareness
42. 👦🏻Hameez Strong; Intelligent; Cute; Agile
43. 👦🏻Hauzaan Human Being
44. 👦🏻Hesham Variant Transcription Of HISHAM
45. 👦🏻Hisam A Sharp Sword
46. 👦🏻Hulayl Old Arabic Name
47. 👦🏻Hatif Heavenly Voice; Praise; Admiration; Commendation;
48. 👦🏻Hasin Good-looking; Beautiful
49. 👦🏻Hamzad Comrade; Companion
50. 👦🏻Huzayfah Curtailing; Shortening; Curtailed; Short
51. 👦🏻Hussein Good Looking
52. 👦🏻Hashir Collector; Another Name For Prophet(SAW); Jama Karney Wala
53. 👦🏻Hanai Of Happiness
54. 👦🏻Hiyam Love
55. 👦🏻Hira Darkness
56. 👦🏻Haniyah Pleasant
57. 👦🏻Hana Happiness; Bliss
58. 👦🏻Hameel Laysis
59. 👦🏻Hattar Eagle
60. 👦🏻Hairat Surprise
61. 👦🏻Hudhaifa Unpredictable; Adorable; Confident
62. 👦🏻Hewad Homeland
63. 👦🏻Hizbullah Allah's group
64. 👦🏻Hudhayfah Old Arabic Name
65. 👦🏻Hairum Pious
66. 👦🏻Hooshyar Wise; Intelligent
67. 👦🏻Hemin Calm; Untroubled
68. 👦🏻Hassam Sword; Scimitar; Tilwar;
69. 👦🏻Hanzalah This Was The Name Of Ibn AbuAamir Al-Ansari; He Is Known As Al-ghasil Because When He Had Joined The Battle At Uhud
70. 👦🏻Hamez Eyes To Chat In The Eyes
71. 👦🏻Hai Living Or Vital
72. 👦🏻Hafeez Protector; Custodian; Guardian(Allah As Guardian);
73. 👦🏻Haadi Haadi Means Someone Who Guides People Towards -Siraat Al-Mustaqeem (the Straight Path); And It Is One Of The 99 Attributes Of Allah
74. 👦🏻Hafiz Protector; One Who Has Memorized The Quran
75. 👦🏻Habis A Narrator Of Hadith
76. 👦🏻Hasret Desire
77. 👦🏻Hasnan Beautiful
78. 👦🏻Hamraaz Who Has The Secret
79. 👦🏻Husul Happening; Event
80. 👦🏻Hyat Long Life
81. 👦🏻Haj River; Pilgrim To Makkah
82. 👦🏻Hanzal Pond
83. 👦🏻HabiburRahman Beloved Friend Of Allah
84. 👦🏻Husaim Diligent; Assiduous; Industrious
85. 👦🏻Haaris Vigilant Watchman
86. 👦🏻Hodan Guidance
87. 👦🏻Hanbali Follower Of Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal
88. 👦🏻Habeeb Loving
89. 👦🏻Harin Pure
90. 👦🏻Harun Mountain
91. 👦🏻Huraith A Little Farmer; Name Of A Sahabi Who Participated In The Battle Of Badr
92. 👦🏻Hasim Decisive; Conclusive; Determinate
93. 👦🏻Haroon Chief; Commander; Strengthen;
94. 👦🏻Husam Al Din Sword Of The Faith
95. 👦🏻Hooman Someone With A Nice Behaviour
96. 👦🏻Hidayat Instruction
97. 👦🏻Hibbaan Fleshy
98. 👦🏻Hesam A Sharp Sword
99. 👦🏻Haseen Handsome; Good-looking
100. 👦🏻Haroun Harun Lofty Or Exalted; A Prophets Name (Aaron)